��� 2005-01-21, 8:19 p.m.

Why I Write

In the magazine I referenced in my last post there's an article called "Why I Write: What sparked these writers' passions." When I first read that, my own response came to mind.

"It's a biological affliction. It's probably a virus."

Imagine my disappointment when they were all about how someone died and they turned to writing for therapy, or any number of other sob stories. Yawn. Let's hear about the sometimes contagious disease Authorship.

Before I knew how to write, I was scribbling on paper, then taking it to my mom to ask her if it actually said anything. So you can see, I contracted Authorship at an early age. I'm not sure who gave it to me.

My third grade teacher picked up on my symptoms and gave me a giant writing pad to help ward off the inevitable insanity and probable substance abuse that accompanies Authorship if left untreated.

Authorship lay mostly dormant until the summer between fourth and fifth grades, during which one day I inexplicably sat down and decided I was going to write a book. In my 10-year old mind, thirty pages was close enough to a book.

It just grew from there. When I'm not busy releasing Authorship through keystroke therapy, I'm thinking about doing it. It is a serious illness that most people think is a "hobby" or an "interest." Ignorance. How little they know.

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