��� 2006-09-25, 8:54 p.m.

Price Tags and Red BVD's

My boss bought a new car over the weekend. Ok, let me qualify that statement. "New" to him, meaning a 1989 Honda. This to replace his 1985 Honda. Lord. Anyway, he had this guy out at the office to detail the "new" car. I looked out the window and all I could see of the detail guy was his bright red underwear sticking out the top of his shorts.

I was desperate to take him a length of rope. An extension cord. Hell, anything to keep his shorts from sagging any further down his hips. Like a train wreck, shortly thereafter the entire department was watching Detail Guy's red draws. Then he shifted and you could totally see ass cheek in addition to underwear. God help us all. Then he was vaccuming the back seat but all we could see was his rear end going back and forth, back and forth. It looked like he was killing kittens.

After work I went to the grocery store and was waiting at the customer service desk to buy some lotto tickets. The woman in front of me had a little hand basket full of stuff and looked like she was arguing the price of something. The girl behind the counter rang each item up and showed it to her, then showed her the total of $30.48. The woman shoved the basket toward the girl and said, "I'm not paying $30 for salad. You can just keep this stuff," then stormed off. I walked up to the desk and said, "I don't work here, but, um, aren't the prices for items clearly marked? What a wacko." Poor customer service girl.

I bought my lotto tickets and turned around to find the angry woman partaking of the free food samples a few feet away. Apparently free food is ok but paying for it is a problem. *sigh*

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