��� 2006-09-23, 11:16 p.m.

10 Things

kungfukitten has tagged me...sort of...with the 10 Things Meme. I'm supposed to say 10 good things and 10 not so good thing about myself.

Good things:

1. I still have a 4.0 GPA in college. (I haven't gotten last Tuesday's test back so we'll see..._
2. I can pick out a good bottle of wine from pretty much any wine list.
3. I give generously to animal charities.
4. I can write well. I can write sex better than anything else. Not sure what that says about me, but there it is.
5. I am anal retentive responsible about bill-paying and thus have a high credit score.
6. I quit smoking, except for occasionally when I'm really drunk.
7. I'm good at my job.
8. I am capable of sticking with something...seeing things through, even in hard times.
9. I tip good servers generously.
10. I can give a speech in front of as many people as you want to put in front of me.

Not So Good Things:
1. My nose is too big and my eyes are too small.
2. I never know what to say to people who are hurting, no matter how much I hurt with them.
3. I let the wrong person be my "first."
4. I drink too much.
5. My vision sucked before I had lasik surgery, and now it's starting to suck again.
6. My house is not as clean as it ought to be.
7. I have really really thin hair.
8. My Tai Chi really blows.
9. I'm not as assertive as I need to be.
10. I think I'm too selfish and nervous to have children.

Ok, now you.

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