��� 2006-11-16, 11:10 p.m.


NaNo word count: 27,490
Body count: 1 (in the prologue)
sex scenes: 0

Hmmm. Not very impressive. On the other hand:

Mystical prophecies: 6
Near-miss hit and runs: 1
Assaults while jogging: 1
Indian legends: 1
Double entendres: 3

So it's half way though and about to get better. There's some major plot catalysts coming up in the next 5,000 words. I just can't wait to get to 30k.

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NaNo - 2008-10-09
Too Long - 2008-07-22
It's Over 2007 - 2007-11-30
Sandbagging - 2007-11-05
Daylight Savings Time - 2007-11-03

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