��� 2006-11-12, 10:26 p.m.


Between studying for my management class, my economics class and reading Rudy Guiliani's "Leadership" for my management class book report I have managed to get some work done on my NaNo novel. I'm currently at 20,702 words.

My main characters finally kissed today. This isn't one of my racy novels so it won't get much more hot and heavy than it already has. There's plenty of action coming down the pipeline, though...I'm bracing myself.

I was a freak when I was in high school. Ok, I'm still a freak but back then it's no wonder people stayed away from me. I was always writing. I had my current book I was working on that took up several notebooks (yes, hand written, this was back in the friggin stone age) and I was writing at lunch, during study hall, before school, after school, during class.

I remember keeping my subject notebook on top of my book notebook during class so it would look like I was taking notes during a lecture when I was actally working on my story. The teacher probably knew what I was doing but since I usually turned in A's they didn't complain. I SO want to work on my stuff while I'm at work rather than the retarded BS I'm supposed to be doing but I have billables...I have to record and time all the work I do and for which client I did it. I very well can't bill for thinking bad thoughts about my boss and working on my novel.

My attitude has worsened. A few weeks ago I was all happy and happy-go-lucky, who cares. Now I'm just irritated. The criteria for a new job keeps getting lower. Right now I'd be satisfied with some place where the cleaning people actually vacuum and the place doesn't have bugs.

I don't think I've written about the cleanliness/bug problem at work. The office is a damn pig sty. I can't believe I work for a lawyer. The office is a dump. When I wear a suit I feel out of place. One day I came to work and the entire outside of the building was covered with these gross little black bugs. They get inside. We also get huge water bugs inside. And salamanders. Sometimes bees. One time there was a bird. The desks never get wiped off (unless we do it) and the cleaning people don't even bring in the vacuum unless we complain. Then they run it over the carpet for about ten seconds and leave.

This is no way to live.

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Too Long - 2008-07-22
It's Over 2007 - 2007-11-30
Sandbagging - 2007-11-05
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