��� 2005-08-08, 9:46 p.m.

Is it Pouring Yet?

They say when it rains it pours. Well, it's been raining in Atlanta and it's been raining - or pouring - on poor Glockgirl's head. As if all the work headaches aren't bad enough, my visit to the oral surgeon this morning was not inspiring.

It comes down to this: they will try to pull the damned freaking tooth down again (yes, the lovely canine lodged deep within my gums) and if it doesn't work I'm really up a creek. The two options for tooth replacement were really enticing. They invloved putting a crack in the bone over the roof of my mouth to "grow down a bone" in order to do an implanted tooth or grinding down several teeth for a bridge.

As you can imagine, these opportunities really got me excited. On the upside, I got a prescription for valium. Of course, I'm not supposed to take it until just before my surgery next week. Dammit.

I was in a great mood when I got to work. Rosie said "hi" and I burst into tears. So she gave me a fortune cookie fortune she keeps on her computer monitor to help her when she's having a rough day. It says "Think about the good things you have today."

So I made a list. These are the good things I came up with:

I have a really solid 1st China Hand.
I'm not pregnant.
I have a great husband.
I have a pretty house.
I have a prescription for valium.
I'm not addicted to drugs.
My pedicure from last month still looks pretty good.

So, as cheesy as it may sound, it actually did help me feel better. After all, I could be homeless again. Or married to a jerk. No, these problems are temporary setbacks. Just a few little challenges to make me one of those great motivational speakers when I'm seventy.

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Too Long - 2008-07-22
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Sandbagging - 2007-11-05
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