��� 2005-06-05, 9:31 p.m.


Since I'm sure you're all concerned, my mouth has healed up nicely. Can't even tell I got popped. Plus I had a great workout this morning. I should ask Robert to punch me more often, seems to improve my chi. I worked out for an hour and a half, then Bill says, "Let's go for a walk." At noon. In the steaming Georgia heat. OK! So we then walked about two miles. I feel like shit. Thankfully I put on some sunblock before we went, but after two days of intensive kung fu then powerwalking I'm done. I am so sore. I wish I had an acupuncturist like Kung Fu Kitten. Four days til I see my chiropractor...

We achieved a lot today. Bill put in a new light in one of the spare bedrooms. Then he replaced the bulb in the basement that I nailed with my staff on Thursday. (oops) Then we had fun scraping wallpaper for about two hours. (Yes, we are still scraping wallpaper after four months.) It's almost done! Only one more wall!

Time for a nice glass of Cote du Rhone and snuggle time with Bill and Kitties.

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