��� 2005-04-28, 8:21 p.m.

It's not a Cruise

I just bought my plane ticket for my next "vacation." Guess what: it's not a cruise. It's not to Vegas, where I could stay in the posh new Hotel Wynn. Hell, it's not even to Wichita where I could at least go to my favorite restaurant. No, this trip is to North Carolina. Visiting my sister and seeing her husband and her in-laws ought to keep me good and thankful for a number of months. I love my sister dearly but JESUS what she married into makes me scratch like Kung Fu Kitten with a bad reaction. My niece is graduating from high school. This means I must give her a better graduation gift than the evil in-laws. This may be difficult, as they have grown rich through suing people. Ideas, anyone?

On a somewhat related note my sister's other daughter (the one not graduating) has taken up wrestling as her sport. (She's 12.) She's mostly wrestling boys right now since there aren't many other girls involved. So I'm all over it, telling her right on, kick ass, kill or be killed, rock on. The rest of the family is not so supportive. One of my brothers was very upset that there may be "inappropriate touching" involved since she's wrestling boys. Uhhh, so, what it's ok for guys to touch each other inappropriately? I know he wouldn't go for that. Anyway it bothers me that the only reason they don't like it is because she's a girl. Personally, I think wrestling is a great sport for a girl because of the real life applications. A female is much more likely to be grabbed than just punched. Anyone out there care to share their thoughts on girl wrestlers? I don't censor - it's an open forum.

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