��� 2006-04-10, 9:04 p.m.



Is it just me or does it seem like this ongoing issue has suddenly blown the hell up? Like a social nuke, illegal immigration is the new civil rights movement. I have a few observations about this.

Just so no one thinks I'm some kind of extra-priveleged white chick, here's a few facts. I held one (or more) of those "undesireable" jobs that they claim "only immigrants" will do. Yes, I was the cleaning lady. I used to freaking clean toilets for a living and no, I didn't like it, and no, it wasn't glamorous, but it was a hell of a lot better than starving.

Secondly, my husband is half Mexican so if anyone tries to call me a racist, here's a big fat F YOU.

I'm sure I'm not the only one irritated that people come here illegally then begin demanding rights, benefits and citizenship. I'm also annoyed that they claim we need them so desperately - again, I, a little white girl, used to do a job that "they" now hold. Yeah, no Americans will do those jobs.

I'm also rather concerned about talk of making illegals suddenly citizens. It seems like people think the only people here illegally are Mexicans. Um, no. There are people here who are NOT Hispanic who are illegals. Yeah, just grant those illegal Iranians, Afgans, etc. citizenship. Sure. Oh, citizenship is only for those from Hispanic nations? Did someone say something about racism?

On the other hand, I saw on CNN some dumbass burning a Mexican flag. Oh, that's brilliant. Nothing says "I'm smart and right" like burning a flag. Jesus.

That being said, or vented, this country was founded on immigrants. Aside from the Cherokee blood running through my veins, all the rest of me originated in Europe. Legal, organized immigration is important and a part of American heritage. Let's set up a system to legally have these immigrants come here and stick to it. No welfare checks, no free lunches. It's hard for immigrants, it always has been. That's nothing new. But the ones who want to come here, live here, be Americans, pay their taxes and contribute to society are more than welcome. Those are the kind of people we want here.

I'm so disappointed that it has gone this long without anyone trying to do anything about it. Think of all the people who could be here legally if those lazy politicians had done something about it ten or twenty years ago.

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