��� 2005-02-12, 9:19 p.m.

Onward and Upward

I had a pretty good day today, and I say it's about time! At class all of my short forms were spot on - I was the first to start the forms when they were called out and got them right the first time more often than everyone else. Then I got to review 2nd crane which I learned last week - I learned the whole form in 20 minutes. So I got some much needed practice.

After class I had a healthy lunch (salad and an orange) which always puts me in a good mood. I skipped over to Fry's and bought a Builder Bob CD for my nephew for his birthday today. Then...I went over to the house with some boxes of stuff.

Imagine my glee as I pulled up to it and found NO junk on the curb! Even the trash was dumped and the can neatly returned to its place. Woohoo! The trash fairy had visited! I should have checked under the trash can - there might have been a dollar.

I pulled the boxes from the car into the laundary room and set up a radio in the kitchen. Having the jazz channel sending melodious notes through that empty house was a thing of beauty. It was hard to leave.

But...I had to. I had a nephew turning two to attend to, so off to the party I went. My sister in law's family is very nice and I like them. But they're really loud. And I don't really like crowds in any form. Plus I think it's friggin strange how they all sit around the living room and stare at the baby. Everyone just sits there and waits for him to do or say something cute, then laughs or awwwws. This kid is going to grow up with a complex.

It was the usual plastic shit parade of toys. The kid is two years old and doesn't know what the heck is going on, but everyone has to get him twenty presents. I got him the CD (and a book on impulse, just because it reminded me of one I had when I was little). All fit in one little bag.

Anyway, it was absolutely priceless - all this money people shelled out on plastic garbage, and he spent most of the evening playing with a little two-year-old sized broom. Yes, a broom. He swept the carpet diligently, then had people move out of the way so he could sweep under them. It reminded me of the cats. You spend $50 on a cat toy and they ignore it, but they sleep in the box it came in for two years. Maybe for Christmas I'll get my nephew a box. Or a cat toy, who knows.

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Too Long - 2008-07-22
It's Over 2007 - 2007-11-30
Sandbagging - 2007-11-05
Daylight Savings Time - 2007-11-03

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