��� 2005-09-01, 6:18 p.m.

Gas Guzzling Americans?

This Yahoo News article irritates me for a number of reasons.

First, the title. "Pump Prices Stun Gas-Guzzling Americans." What is up with the name calling? It is the fault of the average American that we require gasoline to fuel our vehicles? Is it now my fault that more car manufacturers haven't pursued more hybrid and non-gas using vehicles? Last time I checked I lived 20 miles from my work. That's a little far to walk, and even the closest train station is fifteen miles away.

Second, I'm really sick and tired of being told how we should be soooo grateful because WE don't have to pay the prices of those poor Europeans. Most places in Europe have a hell of a lot better public transportation than in the US. Most of them have a choice. We don't have a choice. Either we drive our cars or we don't eat. If I only had to fill up my gas tank once a month I really wouldn't care all that much.

Third, how dare that little prick Geoff Botosan gloat at the misfortune of others, especially at a time like this? Apparently he doesn't care if the single mother of three has to choose between buying gas so she can go to work to feed her kids or buying the little ones new shoes. Apparently it has never occured to this asshole that not everyone drives an SUV 400 miles a week for fun and games. The people he is so desperate to "change the mindset" of are NOT the ones truely being hurt by this energy crisis.

Grrr. I'm just pissed. I hate it when people lump everyone into one category. I drive a small, fuel efficient vehicle. I recycle faithfully. I do what I can to make my presence a help rather than a hurt. Then some cheeky journalist finds it acceptable to crap all over my efforts (and those of others) with useless name calling and bad examples.

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