��� 2005-02-03, 9:58 p.m.

The Second Bedroom

Am I the only one who has ever felt like this? You're moving. You're packing up your stuff. You go into a room and there is so much SHIT that all you can do is look around, move something from one spot to another and look around some more. There's so much to do, yet you're so overwhelmed by the STUFF that you're paralyzed.

I had this experience today while attempting to organize/pack/sort "The Second Bedroom." The Second Bedroom, as it is affectionately called, is also known as The Storage Room, the Guest Room (for those unlucky visitors) and The Black Hole. Yes, if we have something we don't know what to do with, it goes into The Second Bedroom. If we get something as a gift that completely clashes with our decor (or we just plain don't have room for it ANYWHERE) it goes into The Second Bedroom. If we used to use it but it's been collecting dust for the past year...you guessed it. The Second Bedroom.

As a result, The Second Bedroom is a $&@@&(%ing mess hellhole shitstorm of C-R-A-P Crap. I discovered today a box full of Bill's toys from when he was oh, 3 or 4 years old. I have one baby toy with me. One. A little monkey with no name that was given to me on my first Christmas. Uh, but anyway, that's another diary entry. The point is, this room is a clusterfuk of yesteryear, lastyear, and tomorrowyear. (Tomorrowyear, you know, as in "I'll use this some day.")

Everyone has a place like this in their home. No, it may not be a whole room. In some cases it may be a closet. An under-sink storage space. It may even be two rooms. The point is, why do we hold on dearly to crap that we aint never gonna use when we could give it away to someone who will put it in THEIR Second Bedroom and we don't have to ever worry about it again??

So I'm making a hefty trip to GoodWill either next weekend or the one after. The Shit will be gone. Oh yes, it will be gone.

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