��� 2004-09-09, 9:57 p.m.

Dentistry for fun and profit

I've had six fillings in the past week. Three last Thursday and three today. This morning (bright and early at 8:00am) as they were numbing me up, I didn't really feel numb on the lower jaw. Nervous and sensitive, I told myself.

The dentist drilled away at my upper tooth, gave me my happy filling and all was well in the dental world. Then he came in for the lower tooth fillings. Again I told myself, it must be numb. I told myself that up until I started saying *#&$&%&@ and he pulled the drill away. I am convinced I had no novocain.

So he sticks the needle in and lets me rest a while. Comes back for round two. Same thing. *@&#%^! He jams the needle in and I think it's going to come out my cheek. Then he shoots me up with enough numbing agent to send a horse into shock. My eye and my ear went numb. The fillings got done.

I paid for the torture and went to work. I thawed out around 2:00 and was able to slurp some soup without dribbling. Dentures are starting to look appealing.

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