��� 2007-02-09, 10:58 p.m.

Where's the Hot Men?

I got my hair done today. More blonde highlights this time instead of red. I like it. So I was laying there with my head in wash station (or whatever) letting a glaze sit on my hair. I stared at the ceiling of the salon for about five minutes. Compelling, believe me. When my stylist got back I asked her if she'd ever been to a dentist that would put posters and stuff on the ceiling up over the chair so you have something to look at while you're getting drilled or cleaned or whatnot. I suggested that they put up pictures of hot men on the cieling. I suggested Antonio Banderas. She suggested Vin Diesel. She said she'll bring it up at the next staff meeting.

Speaking of hot men, I recently finished reading Intimate Deceptions by Lise Fuller. I have to say I really enjoyed this one. There was plenty of sexual tension, murder, mayhem and explosives. What more does a girl need? Sometimes I felt like the two main characters repeated their arguments but then I thought hey, sounds like real life. Anyway, I thought the characters were really well developed, the storyline was unique and it was an all around good read. I'm NOT a cowboy loving kind of girl, but by 30 pages into the book I wanted to fuck Brodie, Stetson and all.

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