��� 2007-03-05, 10:45 p.m.


Today Nan and I decided that our IT guy is a virgin. Any time the conversation turns to something that could be construed as sexual, he runs from the room. Today I said something about handcuffs. He almost knocked me over leaving the office. Ok, sometimes we do get kind of...adult oriented. But please...what man runs from the room when women talk about sex?

I finished my second set of internal edits over the weekend on the book I just finished. Working on the third set this week, then out the door it goes next week. For years my writing was either a barren desert or a backed up toilet. These days I just can't stop cranking it out, and it's not shit, either. Ok. Some of it is shit. But that's why I do a minimum of three rounds of internal edits.

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NaNo - 2008-10-09
Too Long - 2008-07-22
It's Over 2007 - 2007-11-30
Sandbagging - 2007-11-05
Daylight Savings Time - 2007-11-03

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