��� 2006-03-10, 10:29 p.m.

Sho-Dan 1st Degree Black Belt

The day finally arrived, and is gone as quickly as it came.

The test was more like a formality, more of a test of nerves instead of a test of kung fu. There were eight high-ranking black belts on the panel including the Grandmaster, a senior master and an associate master. I couldn't eat today. I'm actually suprised I was that nervous. I tried to drink my calories so I wouldn't pass out during my test. That would just be bad form.

The test was....good. I was unfortunately not my best (I'm going to blame it on being on my freaking period on test day...dammit) but on the upside, I was good enough. They did not shred my advancement certificate or anything. I started doing the wrong form, which was rather humiliating, but once I got on the right form I was good to go. They didn't make us do all of our forms, which is good because that gave me fewer opportunities to screw up.

I know I'm hard on myself, but all in all I passed, and by God I am Sho-Dan 1st degree black belt in Shaolin Kung Fu.

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