��� 2005-08-02, 10:24 p.m.

What the...

Some days you just feel like you got flipping blind sided by a cow. A big, fat, one ton heifer.

This was one of those days.

It started off with me being pretty sure I was getting fired. I got to work, looked at my boss's schedule and became more convinced that I was getting fired. He may as well have scheduled "Fire Joanna" at 1:00pm, followed by a 3:00 meeting with the divorcee having trouble paying her bills on her $60,000 per month alimony payment.

Instead, I had an extremely honest conversation with the other firm partner, who is not my boss. He is, however, financially and personally invested in the health of the firm. I don't think I held anything back. Hell, I almost burst into tears twice.

I did not get fired at 1:00. I was a bit confused. So at 3:00 I left and went to my orthodontist appointment.

It was a bad appointment. The tooth that is lodged up in my gums is no longer attached to the chain we thought was pulling it down. No, the chain is coming out but the tooth is staying firmly where it always has been. This is quite bad because I have spent 7 months believing it was moving. I am not prepared to invest another 7 months trying to do the same thing especially when I am convinced the oral surgeon fucked it up. In a nutshell, I have to go back to the oral surgeon. No matter what, they have to cut the roof of my mouth open again. This is not what I wanted to hear.

Then my boss called me while I was in the ortho's office and left me a message on my voicemail. He said he had talked to the other partner, was sorry for what he said yesterday and withdrew the ultimatum he gave me. He IS trying to drive me absofuckinglutely insane. There is no other explanation.

So I came home and cried my eyes out. It was just way too much for one day. So of course I did the logical thing and called my mom so I could make her cry too. Good Lord.

But I couldn't cry for long, as I had to give a speech tonight at Toastmasters. Me and my anal responsibility gene. I cleaned myself up, rehearsed my speech twice and headed off. I did well. Turned on the juice as needed and performed. It seems I've become good at that.

I felt better after that and came home feeling kinda good. Then I got an email from my mom telling me something quite disturbing about the behavior of two of my neices. The kind of stuff they show on Jerry Springer. Life gets more fucked up every day. I have a friend who thinks her family is the Springer Show. I should tell her about this, it'll make her feel better.

Anyway, back to the blindsided by a cow idea...that pretty much sums up my day. You get to the end of the day and say, "What the fuck just happened here?" After I said that, I said, "Where's my shiraz?"

So. What do you do when you family freaks you out? I was thinking about getting drunk. I'm open to suggestions.

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