
Kungfukitten - 2006-02-10 03:29:03
Okay, Glockgirl. It's time that we sat down and had a talk. It's high time to make your blog pretty. You're still using one of the old original ugly templates. If you're unsure how to mess with the HTML yourself, I'd be happy to do it for you. I've taken care of Cingi's for her. If you trust me, you could change your password, give it to me and let me prettify your blog for you. I'd recommend going to one of these sites and finding a template that you like: You can also do a google search for: Free Diaryland Template. You can reach me at my gmail account under the user name kungfukitten. Get it? I don't want spam harvesters to find me. E-mails sent to [email protected] sometimes get spam filtered and I never see them. If I'm being a nuisance, just ignore me! :)

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