��� 2004-06-04, 10:30 p.m.

Too Huge

OK, if anyone can tell me how to cut my photos so they don't turn out so GOD DAMN HUGE on my diary pages, PLEASE TELL ME!

Holy crap for crap, it's like a calendar photo.

As long as I'm here, here's a list of my favorite time wasting websites:

www.homestarrunner.com (got to check out strongbad emails, especially "Dragon" "English Paper" and "Techno"

www.sfdt.com (a true stick death)

www.mbusa.com (nothing says "I'm better than you" like a Mercedes-Benz)

www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/weeee.php (when you're in the mood for a little gonads and strife - MUST HAVE SOUND TURNED ON)

http://theshadowlands.net/ghost/ (in the mood for a leetle scaaaare???)

and sometimes





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NaNo - 2008-10-09
Too Long - 2008-07-22
It's Over 2007 - 2007-11-30
Sandbagging - 2007-11-05
Daylight Savings Time - 2007-11-03

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